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Villa Ruspoli

Morocco, Marrakech

Sleeps 10
6 Bed
6 Bath
Gym Facilities
All bedrooms en­suite
Allows Children
Central Heating
Child­safe Pool
Fully Catered

Encompassing 20 hectares of carefully tended olive groves, fruit orchards, and an organic vegetable garden, the property lies adjacent to the charming village of Ourika, a mere 34 kms from the bustling centre of Marrakech. This picturesque setting served as a muse for Sir Winston Churchill, who found inspiration in painting the nearby hillside villages during his visits.

Ideally situated for exploration, the villa offers easy access to the majestic Atlas Mountains and the renowned Ourika Valley. Guests can partake in various activities such as hiking, quad biking, or camel rides, all arranged by the villas’ loyal staff in collaboration with local guides.

5-10k /pw
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Price based on 7 night stay. Property also available per night.

Ourika Valley, Morocco



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