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Woodside House

United Kingdom, Oxfordshire

Sleeps 8
4 Bed
4 Bath
Allows Children
Car Parking
Central Heating
Extra accommodation nearby
Indoor Fireplace
Open Fire
Private Parking
Swimming Pool (Private Outdoor)
Tennis Court
Walking distance to a restaurant / pub
Walking distance to a village / town
Washing Machine

Woodside House is a beautiful eighteenth century Grade 2 listed
Georgian country house, constructed of honey coloured Costwolds
stone;  surrounded by south facing gardens, an outdoor
swimming pool and tennis court. Adjoining the gardens is a ha-ha
beyond which are paddocks, an old orchard and areas of tree
planting. Surrounded by open countryside it is perfect for
long walks and cycle rides.


5-10k /pw
Get in touch

Price based on 7 night stay. Property also available per night.

Oxfordshire, England



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